

Awkward giraffe is my spirit animal
Luna Nguyen

26 / Female / Burnsville, MN, United States


I'm Luna and I suck at these sections.

I like games, jfashion, pokemon, cheese, music, crafts, and some other stuff I can't me assed to type out.

I'm mostly known for creating the Sha of Happiness plush as well as a few pokemon in amigurumi form.What are amigurumi? Freaking awesome crocheted animals/dolls. Ami = crochet/knit; gurumi = short for nuigurumi which is doll or toy in japanese.

What I'm doing with my life
I do nothing else aside from work and play FFXIV and WoW. Oh and going to the gym and losing weight 1-2 pounds at a time.
Favouritest of all the things
Pokemon. And games. Especially games. Omg I love games.
My darkest secret
Why the hell would I write it here?
  • Single
  • University

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