

intrigue me.

22 / Female / Bournemouth, United Kingdom


I never know what to say on these things. I'm an open book- ask me anything n you'll get an answer.

I love life- don't always like it.
I love God- don't always like Him

I enjoy both days n nights watching tv/films or reading, but also days filled with sport- swimming, climbing, biking, walking. I like seeing beauty and doing stuff.

I'm a daytime person, and also a night owl and trying to figure how that works.

What I'm doing with my life
taking it on day at a time, figuring out my future when I have to
Favouritest of all the things
food. and people. but then i also hate food and people.
My darkest secret
If I didn't have to wake up tomorrow I wouldn't. But I do. And it's normally okay.
  • University

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