

I just ate a whole box of Thin Mints.

24 / Male


Ummm. Ok.... Soooooo. I'm moderately awkward, but once I get used to a person that tends to go away. I also tend to do a little bit of lots of things; sports/gym, music, video games and BOARD GAMES, cooking. I love girl scout cookies and hate cleaning with a passion to rival that of our mother star's fiery energy.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm doing lots of things, like making music into at least a part of a full-time career, and currently playing a waiting-game by working at the local hospital in an administrative position. But I'm also meeting people, learning who I am as always, and looking for new drinks to try.
Favouritest of all the things
Favouritest thing? You mean things. Definitely things. K. Piano, learning how to cook with new things, Ultimate Frisbee and Soccer, Board Games (Ticket to Ride, Catan, 7 Wonders, Betrayal in the House on the Hill, and many more), and forgetting about video games I started and failed to finish (like Boarderlands 2 and 1.5).
My darkest secret
I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder when I was young, and I have a scar that's super awkwardly located from when I tried to catch a Boy Scout knife I dropped when I was about 11.

But actually, I tend to be very forward with my life, and what's happened to me in it. I want people to know me.
  • Single
  • College

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