

25 / Male / New York City, NY, United States


I work in an operating room as an orthopedic specialist. I am a huge skier, love me some video games (esp. Starcraft). I am into tattoos, stargate, building things, scuba diving, and love to travel as far as I can whenever I get the chance, so far Egypt has been the farthest. Not really sure what else to say here. Pretty much rambling at this point. :()

What I'm doing with my life
Currently work as an orthopedic specialist and on my way to PA school.
Favouritest of all the things
There are many. I love dogs, Skiing, learning, reading, good movies and shows, laying on the beach.
My darkest secret
YoloSwagginsAndTheKnightsOfTheRoundTable doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • College

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