

It IS intentional!

22 / Female / Seattle, WA, United States


Recently graduated with a degree in neuroscience. Feeling a bit lost in the real world, but I've got rugby and good friends to keep me grounded. Always down for crazy adventures and if you have a dog we should probably be friends. Definitely have love for the kitties too though.

What I'm doing with my life
Volunteering at a hospital and looking for a lab job to earn monies for physical therapy school. Currently working as a nanny.
Favouritest of all the things
Rugby (or just being athletic)
learning sciencey things
Cats and dogs (animals in general...)
Listening to NPR (gots to stay updated!)
Making friends that can teach me new things
Finding buddies for new and fun adventures
Taco truck tacos.
My darkest secret
You don't think it be like it is but it do.
  • Single
  • University

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