

once upon a time....

24 / Female / Littleton, CO, United States


Hello, I am Josie! Not much to say. I will answer 90% or more of questions asked of me.
I pose this question to you; how does one as an adult make friends?

Any slightly introverted girls in the Littleton/Denver area need a roommate? Message me :)

What I'm doing with my life
Uhh what a loaded question... I mean what an I going with my life. Lol. I am currently working full time and do plan on going back to school... But I haven't started that processes yet. I have started the process of buying my first place! Totally excited; except when the mortgage process is going on
Favouritest of all the things
Animals, reading, bad movies, GREAT movies, cooking, having knowledge.
My darkest secret
Wouldn't you like to know...
  • Single
  • College

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