

20 / Male / New York


What's up people of Imgur? I'm just a 20 year old dude living in NY. I love teaching kickboxing, all things fitness and the sport of MMA (either watching or training) and the other side of me is very happy with playing MMO's and staying up way too late scrolling through Imgur. Music wise I love everything from EDM to all the variants of rock to old school rap. Anything else you're interested in feel free to ask!

What I'm doing with my life
Teaching a whole lot of kickboxing and paying off some school debt!
Favouritest of all the things
VanellaIce has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
VanellaIce doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • College

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