

21 / Male


The basics: 21 year old single male currently serving in the USAF. Been serving for 3 years and finally starting to think on what I wish to accomplish in life. Seems odd right? It's really a hassle at times. :D

Essentially a nerd of all traits. I try to know a bit of everything and have been told that I should maybe be on gameshows.... although flattering I don't think it'll ever happen. I would say the cultures of nerd-dom I am most accustomed to are video games, science fiction and movies plus whatever source material may relate to these.

Referred to as an asshole with a heart of gold, I may be sarcastic and say somewhat off-color things yet am always also known as the best pal a guy or gal can ask for. For the low, low price of $0.10 I can keep your secrets and talk to you of the most intimate of topics!

What I'm doing with my life
Currently I am trying to improve my life all around. Biggest things are fitness, education and socializing.It is a slow approach but every step forward is still a step in the right direction. Also, getting to experience new parts of the world and have an adventure of a lifetime.... I'm a bit excited about it.

Where this all leads me is still up in the air. I aspire to either become a writer, comedian, game designer, musician or a mentoring figure of some sort like a teacher.
Favouritest of all the things
-Most movies I will watch especially the newest films. I have definitely spent a lot of money at the theater without even getting concessions!

-Video games. I have spent about 60% of my time on this Earth playing, watching, reading, learning, sleeping, cuddling and many other things with my greatest pleasure of video games. I may lose interest for periods of times but it will always pull me back in. I appreciate what they are truly capable of since I have made a few good friends and can share experiences with lifetime friends in playing games. Plus streaming and putting clips on YouTube have entertained people with my own shenanigans and it is a pleasure to know you might have made someone else's day with a couple laughs.

-Books. It's something I have been rather disconnected with but have found myself reading a lot more. Started with listening to audiobooks whenever I was driving yet now I am doing that while also working out. Plus I forgot how much I like to view other worlds and stories people have crafted. As they say, Science fiction will someday be science Fact!

-Fitness. Another thing I recently started to get into and I am very much enjoying it. I always cared to sit around but now find myself in the gym for a minimum of 30 minutes almost every day. Trying to get in a lot better shape since I truly have the capability to do so and want to appreciate my body and its abilities. I have not yet gotten into free weight lifting though... I want to but I worry that I'll end up hurting myself more than anything. Hope to change in the future soon.

-Outdoors. Although not a constant, I have appreciated adventuring or plain walking through nature. There's a lot to appreciate and admire in the world when you separate from constant distractions. Plus when you get back you can appreciate your stuff more for making things so MUCH EASIER! In the future, I plan to take more camping/backpacking trips and getting to see more of something I don't appreciate enough of with my time.
My darkest secret
Although not one of my darkest secrets it is truly one of my guilty pleasures that most people would find odd or entertaining to walk in on. Have you ever seen the Star Wars Kid video? Think of that.... got the image? That's what I do in my bedroom.
It's a thing I started around 12 years old but I just take a narrow stick, baseball bat, pipe or whatever I can use where I am and imagine stories and universes in my head. I view it as a way to get my creative juices flowing as I'm older... but really I just love doing it. I can sit in a room for hours playing with myself (he he) yet I am having complex stories and world-building happening in my head. This has actually led me to about 7-8 different stories in my head that I've kept fresh for many years with this technique.
  • Secondary / High school

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