

18 / Female / Select your location


Hello, my name is Marilu.

Im probably one of the biggest Disney nerds. I also specialize in obsessing over Dexter, Star Wars, The Great Gatsby, Archer.. yuh know, Im just another teenager.. I suppose.

I encourage anyone to take a stab at chatting with me. I swear I dont bite or any of that. Im just very awkward and have a sense of humor that may take a bit to get use to.

Im also confident enough to say I make one of the best friends, you just have to have the balls to deal with my awkwardness.

Fill up that message box, pls? I love you already

Tv shows Marilu is currently watching: Bates Motel, Sherlock, Archer, Pokemon, Lost.

What I'm doing with my life
Art! My life revolves around my amateur-like art.
Favouritest of all the things
You. ;)
My darkest secret
You. ;)

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