

Kaitlyn Green

Female / Illinois, United States


I'm American and I'm of the female gender and sex.

I'm just looking for people to chat with. I mostly lurk on Imgur and Reddit despite having accounts. I'm quiet and I enjoy reading.

I have a naturally resting bitch face.

I like collecting things, but I'm not a hoarder, all of my stuff is neat and I can literally get rid of it without hesitation.

I'm really bad at gathering my thoughts and I am really clumsy and forgetful(OMG I'm so klutzy, like totally, lololololol)

No seriously, I get lost going to the bathroom. I have no general sense of direction and I lose things very quickly.

I like sweets, such as caramels, anything orange flavored, maltesers (whoppers are gross, maltesers are better) and I also love anything peppermint or peach.

I also like coffee, black coffee.

I despise mushrooms. Tomatoes are meh.

I'm like insanely good at claw games but I hate the prizes that I get so I usually give them away to kids.

I've spent more than time than I would like to admit watching anime.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently collecting:

Web comics

Online Bookmarks (I have around 2,500)

Really cool real life bookmarks (I have like four, but I'm working on getting more)

Headphones (some of them work)

Caramel wrappers (for an art project)


TV series, movies and different anime to watch.

Paper stars

Graph paper checker boards (fill in every other square)

I collect facts, my brain loves absorbing facts.

I collect only the coolest of rings.

and I collect keys that open nothing.

I collect necklaces

I'd exchange real dollars for sand dollars any day.

I also collect bottle caps (end of the world stash)

Psychology books about sociopaths/psychopaths (I have like 5) By the way one in every 20 people is a sociopath. themoreyouknow.jpg

I collect American 2 dollar bills because they are pretty hard to come by.

Ask me about any of these things, I dare you.
Favouritest of all the things

Marvel, anything Marvel, especially dead pool. Stan lee is an amazing lil butt.

I like some D.C. stuff but I like Marvel the best.

Cats are cute but I'm like hella allergic to them so I'm a dog person.

I enjoy listening to foreign and classical music, don't ask me about popular songs because I don't know any.(Does Bohemian Rap City count as modern if it was released in '75?)

I love video games but I don't get to play much, but I definitely am not a "gurl gamer" those people are gross.

I enjoy medieval things, I'm trying to learn how to do chain mail.

Dexter has to be my favorite TV show. His voice is amazing and Deb is a fucking great character like damn.
My darkest secret
I was in a fighting ring with the boys of the neighborhood from the time I was 8 to the time I was twelve. I tended to bite and I drew a lot of blood.

I also had to go to a mental hospital when I was 14 for various reasons.

I have legit social anxiety so I don't go out at all besides school. Certain websites make me freak out. (Tumblr, Instagram and Snapchat to name a few.)

I probably should be on anti-depressants but cat pictures kinda work.

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