

I got ya tagline right here...



...I'm bad at these.

My name is Patrick, and I'm an engineer. Pretty much. Look, I graduated. No one said anything about doing something with my life after that.
I went to school in Ohio, but I'm a Silicon Valley native, born and raised. With my studies complete, I have returned to the home to reconnect with old friends and make new ones.

...I'm really bad at these.

Lists! Lists are easy!
-I pun. It's a filthy habit, I know. It's a wonder I still have friends.
-I'm left handed. Mostly. Kinda. At least when I write. Everything else depends on whichever is most convenient.
-I have a strong stay-at-home-watching-movies-and-playing-games streak, but I'm always up for a good adventure.
-Fiction is generally my go-to genre for books and movies. I enjoy the typical Lord of the Rings and Superhero fare, but I was brought up on Science Fiction. Kurt Vonnegut, Jules Verne, Robert Heinlein, Star Trek, and Stargate were my first storytellers.
-I love fixing things. If it's broken, I'll spend a day ripping it apart to try and fix it before I go out and buy a new one.
-Are you allowed to say you prefer dogs on the Internet? Tough toenails, I'm doing it anyway! Don't get me wrong, I like cats too. But I'd definitely get a dog first, if given the choice.
-I'm kind of old-fashioned. Get off my lawn.

What I'm doing with my life
Trying to re-acclimate myself to being home again while I look for a big boy engineering job. Rock climbing. Having small existential crises. Going outside. Friends!
Favouritest of all the things
The uplifting rush of good music.

Bright stars on a clear night.


Nat 20's.

The sound of surf.
My darkest secret
"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead."
  • Single
  • University

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