

Emily Worden

24 / Female / Milwaukee, WI, United States


i think i get addicted to things really easily. Like a new song... i'll listen to it over an over again until i hate it, but i do it with a lot of things. I'll watch one series at a time until im all the way through with it. Ill read all the books by one author. I will get really into something like soldiering silver jewelry and do that for like three months and then move onto knitting or wood working..or making henna tattoos or homemade beauty products. I think i like trying new things. Always looking for the best or newest thing maybe..idk. But i love to be active and outside but living in a city makes it harder to find other people who do. I'm extremely messy but not dirty. There is a difference. All of my clothes are on the ground but they are probably clean. I only clean if I know someone is going to see my room. If its clean i knew you were coming. I like talking to old people. It makes me feel like im in the giver and im absorbing their stories. Im really good at sports...all of them (except winter ones like hockey/skating/skiing..etc.) I will beat you at most things. I'm sorry...but you will have to get over it. lol. I like listening to people and arguing. For example... if we agree on something i want to know why you think that way. Because if someone thinks the right thing for the wrong reason it really bothers me. I think im pretty quick to admit defeat too if i believe i was wrong. Things that bother me... people who post selfies... idk it just seems really vain and weird to me. Like why the need for constant validation? People that "aren't cat people" how does that even happen? Its unnatural and i don't accept it. Unless you're allergic..and even then you should still probably like them and feel bad you cant have one.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm Studying Engineering at UW-Milwaukee and i have a Co-op doing Continuous Improvement. I'm also involved with my Engineers without Borders group and we are going to Guatemala so im super psyched about that. School and work dont leave a lot of time for other things. My free time is usually spent meeting up with project groups in the library or going back home for the weekend to visit my babe or fam.
Favouritest of all the things
watching netflix series in one sitting
playing with kitties
working out
not cleaning my room
eating out
making something new or trying something new
Laying on the beach in the sun
Reading a good story
the legend of zelda games! i've played almost all of them and some of them multiple times.
My darkest secret
Publicly sharing my darkest secret? Maybe not...but I am afraid of whats in the dark and i wont go into a dark room alone. fuck that. seriously why? Why tempt demons yo? Ex.Think ill do laundry....walks down to the basement*...oh the lights out...guess I'll just have to buy new clothes forever...
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