

That girl is poison...

25 / Female


Oh geez. Um, well...I, uh...hmmm. 
I'm a PC gamer, so that gives me an unearned sense of superiority. So I have that going for me.
I know bunch of stuff about domestic pets of all types, except birds (Fuck birds. If I can't fly, no one can).
If I've reached the age where I'm too old for Pokemon, no one told me.
I'd probably be a really cool Youtube Let's Play-er...if I tried.
I've got a kick-ass boyfriend. We're weird together, and that's all we need.

What I'm doing with my life
"TheRedLightDistrict apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate."

I would correct them on this, but I am a lunchlady, so...I'd consider that fairly unfortunate. I love my job, but I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be a lunchlady at 24. I need to be twice as old and twice as sassy before I'd fit that mold.
Favouritest of all the things
Oh my tits, let's try to make this brief; gaming, writing, reading, sci-fi and horror movies, cats/dogs (don't make me choose or else you'll get a 10 page essay on the pros and cons of each), Cult Anthro studies, post work-out buzz, beards, and above all else: FOOD.
My darkest secret
Still haven't figured out how to be an adult (I don't know how to buy a house, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask). Hoping to have my life sorted out by the time I hit the retirement home.
  • Seeing Someone
  • College

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