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18 / Female / Boston, MA, United States


Short, redhead bookworm working on controlling my temper and keeping up to date on all my favorite tv shows

What I'm doing with my life
Drifting along mainly.
Attempting to learn Gaelic with my grandfather
Attempting to get my work published (2 for 10 so far!)
Attempting to perfect my chocolate chip cookie recipe
Attempting to just be happy
Favouritest of all the things
LOTR, Scrubs(last scrubs username I could think of), Firefly, Friends, That 70s Show.

The Power of One, The History of Everything, A Series of Unfortunate Events Series, Fences, The Glass Castle.

Dogs, Friends, woodstoves on winter days and grilled cheese with pesto and avocado.
My darkest secret
SashaTheScooter doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • College

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