

20 / Male / Greenville, NC, United States


I'm a 20 year old gamer from Greenville, NC. I enjoy video games, fiction writing, TV dramas, (Breaking Bad, House, The Walking Dead, Hannibal, etc.) anime (Samurai Champloo, Afro Samurai, Ghost in The Shell, etc.) and of course, cats.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently taking a Simulation and Game Development course at Pitt Community College in Greenville, NC. Watching Ghost In The Shell: SAC, and counting the hours until September 9 (fake internet points if you are too.)
Favouritest of all the things
Poet: Edgar Allen Poe
Anime: Samurai Champloo
Cat: Orange Tabby
Book: Daniel X (Surprisingly)

I gotta be honest that's all i got for now.
My darkest secret
I am terribly awkward in almost every situation and tend to clam up and hardly talk.
  • Single
  • College

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