

21 / Agender / Select your location


hi i like monsters, robots, BIOSHOCK!!, blood and gore, spiders, snakes, dogs, other shit the end

and homestuck is cool

if u make a rape joke i wont like you thanks

What I'm doing with my life
CULINARY COLLEGE also making my own video games. I had one programmed and everything but the computer went up and died and I lost it all.

So hell yeah video games
Favouritest of all the things
Spiders, homestuck, snakes, horror, creepy things, MONSTERS, COOKING!, food, booze!, drawing, video games, art, sharp teeth, tattoos, looking at other people's art OH PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR ART I WILL LOVE IT and if you need critique I will be very nice about it and will show you tutorials to better it oh no you don't even know wow it's so awesome seeing other's art chances are I will draw you something
My darkest secret
If this were a dark secret why is there a panel for it?
  • Single
  • College

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