

19 / Female / Raleigh, NC, United States


Photography major.
My cat is my best friend... Is that bad...? nope.

What I'm doing with my life
Im going to school for Photography and I'm super happy that I've finally figured out what to do with my life. I was in this weird limbo for 2 years after high school at the local community college taking total bullshit classes but I found this awesome art school and I started at the beginning of 2015. I also have an amazing boyfriend (HUGE step up from my last one who was terrible), a job that i enjoy (which isn't something I think a whole lot of 19-year-olds can say), a sweet ass cat named Luna who is the cutest cat ever in the world (yes, the world).
Favouritest of all the things
My cat, Luna, and my camera
My darkest secret
I was severely depressed for about a year because of family and my boyfriend at the time were terrible to me and my self esteem plummeted to non-existence. I didn't feel like I was worth anything. I thought about suicide a lot and I cut myself when things were at real lows... BUT I'm truly happy now. I love sitting back and realizing how far I've come in just a year. Yay!!
  • Seeing Someone
  • College

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