

22 / Male / West Wickham, United Kingdom


Hi, long time imgur supporter mainly a lurker but do pipe up occasionally, I live in South London at the moment and studied economics at UWE, I love sports and play american football and rugby, it is my passion. I like to think of my self as an easy going person who does not get stressed easily, hope this site goes well.

What I'm doing with my life
Just finished uni which is awesome hopefully with a 2.1, going to travel around Europe for two months and then afterwards hopefully setting up a charity in Botswana but I've got a lot of work for that. Rugby and gym pretty much and the slow torment of boredom
Favouritest of all the things
Sport, cannot even deny its anything else been playing since i was 5 years old and now branched out into american football but other than that i can play/have done for a team (Judo,Tennis,Football,Swimming,Skiing and i have a mean handstand for a heavy guy haha.
Tv and movies, watch a lot of them and love to watch them with others.
Music, most but edging towards house a bit depends on my mood
My darkest secret
Well the deep secrets shouldn't really be said on a social media site for all to see
  • Single
  • University

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