

21 / Male / Flagstaff, AZ 86005, United States


Ayyyyyyyyyyyy. It's good to see you. Welcome to my page. It's not very pretty but it'll have to do. I'm Cullen, you can call me Cullen. I will be going to NAU this coming Spring semester. I've got a Ph.D in procrastination and a Masters in bullshit. I think I'm good at computers, but that's just because I can usually find the answers to problems on Google. I like being a fucking nerd. You know, watching movies, playing video games, that kinda stuff. I love the snow and I'd sell my soul to go snowboarding or skiing all year round.

What I'm doing with my life
Nooooooothing. But school, I guess.
Favouritest of all the things
Food, sleep, things.
My darkest secret
I've never seen any of the Die Hard movies.
  • College

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