

Classic Schmosby!

20 / Male / Utica, NY, United States


WOOOHOOOOO. But no, seriously, calm down. This site just started. Let's not take things too fast. i wanna see where we stand before we take our relationship further.

Just Messing.... I'm Aaron. Some(Most) Call me A-A-Ron ever since Key & Peele did their Substitute teacher skit. A lot of people called me Harry Potter back in high School. That's stopped, for the most part. I've been on imgur for two years now, but have never had any really successful submitted images. I HAVE FINALLY REACHED Glorious, though. That's only through comments though. I love to talk, and I love to help people. No, I don't mean work as a social worker. I mean help people because I want to/can not because it's my job (no disrespect to any social workers, you guys rock). I just mean, I like to be compassionate, and go two extra steps past what people expect.
I grew up on Star Wars (thanks Dad...) and I'm INSANELY huge into HIMYM. If you haven't seen it, well, go to Netflix and watch it. The final season is over :( but you can still have a cram-sesh and get caught up. GO now. I'll be here....

What I'm doing with my life
ProfessorMosby apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
Favouritest of all the things
Star Wars and HIMYM are pretty uber.
My darkest secret
ProfessorMosby doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • College

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