

22 / Female / Northallerton, United Kingdom


Hmm about me.... Well I'm a Yorkshire girl with a loud mouth and a crazy sense of humour!

I have a job to die for! It's literally the best job in the world other than professional cat sitter!

I live in a small town with my family and my best friends nearby. I consider myself very lucky to know some of the kindest and warmest people here and I wouldn't change it for the world!

What I'm doing with my life
Living! Hahahaha... Erm? I have a good job and a wonderful family so other than that I'm just plodding along :)
Favouritest of all the things
My woofies. Someone on imgur once called my dog fat, needless to say he is lucky he lives so far away nasty git!
My darkest secret
I literally don't have any! Sat here racking my brains to think of something but, like most people from my area, I am an open book!

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