

What weird thing are you guys freaking out over?

25 / Male / St Louis, MO, United States


Well I'm the new kid on the block, and Chinese food makes me sick. And I think it's real fly when the girls stop by for the summer. For the summer. Yeah.

But srsly. We all seemed to get hot and bothered by lists. So I'ma just list some shit I like.
>Hip hop
>Comic books
>Bathing in the blood of my enemies
>Long walks on the beach
>Pokemon (working on getting a DS so I can bring my liking into the latest generations)
>Liquid gallons of LSD
>Getting lost in the woods
>Wookie calling in public
>Hoodrat stuff
>Laying on a trampoline in some manner to achieve some sense of enlightenment that seems to only exist much like the fleeting sense of clothes fresh out of the dryer
>Denying any substantial accomplishment I've ever achieved (see "what I'm doing with my life")
>Laughing out loud about things that are only funny to me and then having to explain my fractured logic to everyone around me
>Getting Senpai to notice me
>Stand up comedy (John Mulaney, Donald Glover, etc)
>Are you honestly still reading?
>This "about me" is the 9/11 of "about me's"
>I spend too much time on the internet
>Lock picking
>Sneak lvl 99
>Bullshit hipster music
>I'm thinking about using my remaining 2678 characters with "Pizza"

What I'm doing with my life
I'm going for the Guinness world record for most cats pet.
Favouritest of all the things
My darkest secret
I used to think that Elton John's Tiny Dancer was written "So hold me closer Tony Danza". I kinda wish it actually was.
  • Single
  • College

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