

I am Jaquon.

21 / Female / California, United States


NyxNight has not written anything about themself yet.

What I'm doing with my life
NyxNight apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
... That's a lie. 

I'm currently a college student. I am studying Business Management and might minor in Foreign Languages. I aspire to be an Event Planner.  I can speak English, Spanish and currently learning French, I would like to finish French and go on to learn Mandarin, German, and Japanese.  I'd like to one day have my own event planning business either here in the States or somewhere in Europe.
Once my career is set and done, I'd like to travel.
Favouritest of all the things
Favouritest of things? 

Well, I play video games, I'm a console peasant (Please forgive me). I usually play action, adventure, and role play. I like to play paintball, or go jet skiing, sometimes hunting. I like dresses, dresses are amazing! Along with corsets and thigh highs. I enjoy reading Deadpool. I am currently reading the first Game of Thrones book, as well watching the show. I am also caught up on Walking Dead, and Once Upon A Time. as well as Supernatural. Let's see... as far as music goes I have a wide variety of interest. Oh, I enjoy pastries and sweets! 

Um...my favorite color is red?
List of vid games: Assassin's Creed 1-4, Bayonetta, Bioshock 1-3, Borderlands, Darksiders 1-2, Deadpool, Dead or Alive 4, Deus Ex, Dishonored, Dragon Age 1-Origin-2-Inquisition, Fable 2-3, Hitman complete collection, Left 4 Dead 1-2, Mortal Kombat, Ninja Gaiden 2-3, Oblivion, Remember Me, Saboteur, Saint's Row 3-4,  Skyrim, Thief, The Witcher 2, Yaiba.
My darkest secret
I lie on the internet.
  • Single
  • College

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