

18 / Male / Hameln, Deutschland


"Oh man....that guy must hate going on international talk shows." @Obscuritale

"breaking bed, walter dies, best mate, tru luv, gunna rek also, 1v1" @LadyBunneh

"I still have no idea how to pronounce his name..." @gabrieldragulia

"Totally unable to talk to females. But he's improving. And we like him nonetheless" @grumpyfrenchperson

Crazy german who fixes bikes and pew pews the ak's on csgo @MikeTerris

What I'm doing with my life
Favouritest of all the things
video games, jumping stilts, mopeds etc.
My darkest secret
If you are really interested enough im me to get to know my darkest secret, you can just ask me yourself
  • Single
  • College

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