

25 / Female / President Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

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26 years old, been living in Brooklyn for about 4 years now. I graduated from UConn with a degree in Theatre Studies and a minor in Music. I live with 2 really great friends, both gay guys. I love to cook, and especially bake. When I'm not at work I'm probably watching TV. I love board games, Settlers of Catan is at the top of my list right now. I occasionally play video games on my computer, Star Wars KOTOR II is one of my all time favorites (an oldie-but-goodie)

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently working freelance for a small casting company in the city. They cast for film and TV, mainly background actors. I'm trying to find a permanent position at a company that does principal casting for theatre in addition to film & TV
Favouritest of all the things
Harry Potter.
My darkest secret
I hate cats.
  • Single
  • College

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