
18 / Male / Select your location


I love Bioshock, Big daddies are the most relatable character to me and I so WANT THEIR SUITS. I write short stories, I also play video games and listen to some really good dubstep remixes. I'm into researching about angels and demons. I am not into a cult, I'm just like Sam and Dean (if you get that reference then sweetness). I am christian, but not the 'throw it in your face I'm going to change you WBC' kind. I love writing sci fi, romance, mash ups, and occasionally fan fic. Friend me on steam as well @ The Archangel Raphael.

What I'm doing with my life
Job, school, online, gaming, writing, netflix, trying to find a girl who wants to watch netflix with me.
Favouritest of all the things
women, animals, myself, angels, and Robot Roller Derby Disco Dodgeball (yes it's a game, yes it's great, yeah you should get it.)
My darkest secret
I cosplay as Castiel a ton.

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