Sterling Shiver

21 / Male / Select your location


Manager of a audio/mechanic/tint/paint and body/fiberglass/performance/rim shop. You need it, I do it. I'm chill, but enjoy going out. I'm pretty damn weird too. I am the treasurer of a long-standing car club in Valdosta. Our aim is to give back to the community through charity and promoting family values as well as keeping kids (as well as adults) of the streets. I like to believe that I am funny, but mostly I treat people the way I believe they should be treated. All women are princesses and all men are brothers (don't try and prove me wrong, I will disown you.) I am a Christian, however I do not let that affect the way I interact with people whether they are: gay, straight, any color, any religion, non-religious, etc. I would hate to be judged solely for my beliefs so I avoid doing just that.

What I'm doing with my life
I work full time, single, no kids; I do what I want to do and anybody is welcome to be a part of that.
Favouritest of all the things
1) Imgur
2) Imgur
3) Imgur
4) beautiful women
5) a good drink
6) having the ability to work
My darkest secret
Um... this is tricky.. just message me if you want to know anything. I am 100 percent honest
  • Single
  • College

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