

I'm pretty darn loveable

21 / Female / Riverside, CA, United States


I love playing football and watching baseball (Go Giants), but I'm not very athletic. Also, I enjoy making food. I like trying new recipes and then wondering where I went wrong. I'm also very picky with food. I'm also into hiking and camping, but I'm far from hardcore.

I'm non-denominational protestant and I love to sing in church or in the car. My other talents include playing the flute, making candles, and embarrassing myself. I am able to touch my nose with my tongue, so I guess you could say I'm flexible.

I hope to one day move either out of the country or into a more rural area in the states.

I like talking to people on the internet but usually get nervous with new people when talking to them in person, so if I ever meet you in real world, bear with me.

What I'm doing with my life
I have almost graduated with a BS in Biochemistry. I'm hoping to do some sort of research after graduation and maybe some day go back to school, but I haven't decided yet.
Favouritest of all the things
Animals: dogs, goats, dolphins, elephants
Foods: meat, pasta, chocolate, cake
Color: pink
Artists: Pentatonix, David Choi
My darkest secret
Mississississippi doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • University

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