

16 / Female / Aurora, CO, United States


Hey there! I'm not very good at writing these profile description things, but here are 10 Things to know about me:
1. Hannah Shepard is my actual name. Sharing a name with "MomShep" from Mass Effect is just a coincidence. An awesome coincidence. 2. I have a service dog. His registeres name is "Wade'llya see this 'Danger' Wilson" (Wade for short, he's named after Deadpool.). He is my lifesaving hero and the love of my life, and also total fuckin dork.3. I have seen every episode of South Park ever, even the "banned" ones. I'm a little obsessed.
4. I was a lurker for quite a while before I finally joined.
5.I am a third gen geek and proud. Comic books, video games, all media scifi, you name it.
6. I'm an artist, and love to create things
7. Im looking for a job, so if you're in Denver hire me.
8. I love animals
9. Deadpool is my jam
10. Im friendly and don't bite too hard, so hit me up.

What I'm doing with my life
Currently working towards my GED, looking for a job, and training my service dog. I hope to start college in the spring.
Favouritest of all the things
LittleWolfiee has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
LittleWolfiee doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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