


20 / Female


Name: Elsa Katherina

Affiliation: Human (as far as I know, at least)

Home Planet: Earth

I am a nineteen-year-old female with a caffeine addiction and an affinity for video games, bearded men with realistic muscular proportions, and respectful/nice people.

I do art things. Many many art things. Sometimes art school, but art school is a bit of a waste. Let's focus on science. Yeah, science! :D

I prefer epic music/soundtracks. (Two Steps From Hell and Audiomachine and E.S. Posthumus and whatnot)

I get overly-attached to the characters in the games I play. (I like RP games best, but I haven't played a large variety of games.)

I'm incredibly awkward and sometimes come off as stand-offish, but that's just because I can on occasion be terrified of human interaction.

Which begs the question, why am I even here on this social site?
Curiosity, probably, and boredom.
And wanting to see what it's like here with all you glorious people. ;)

Peace off.
Bless yo' face. If you sneezed while reading this, bless you.

What I'm doing with my life
Currently? Eating junk food in my bed, in sweats, with my hair in a floppy, ridiculous bun. So...apparently nothing. I'm supposed to be studying.
Favouritest of all the things
I love:
~Drawing epic things.
~My dog
~Nature. Like hiking and forests and stuff. Dat shit 'mazing.
~Running where I'm not supposed to be running
~RAIN. I ran around in 35 degree pouring rain a few weeks ago and it put me in a better mood than anything else I've done since then.
My darkest secret
Secret(s) actually.

I went through a Nickelback phase.
I also write kickass World of Warcraft fanfiction.
I wear a lot of makeup because it's an excuse to paint on my own face.
I draw on my walls.
I tell people I have pale skin because I think it looks better on me. It's actually because I hate sunlight.
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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