

Woohoo! \o/

24 / Male / Pearl City, HI, United States


I'm a Linux enthusiast and all around fun guy to be around. I love doing just about anything! :D

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently trying to get back into school for my system administration degree. I spend a lot of my time working on my personal servers in my house and just learning about system administration from experience.
Favouritest of all the things
FOOD! I love eating and trying new things.
Computers and technology are pretty much the driving force behind my life. I love working with them and on them.
I love music. I used to play/sing in several bands through high school and early college.
I'm also a big gamer. I own a PS4, PC, and PS3. I'd love to play sometime with some of you guys and gals! :D
My darkest secret
I'm afraid of the dark. I'm serious.
  • Single
  • College

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