

28 / Male / Webster, TX, United States


"These things are always hard"
-Anyone who's ever filled out an "about me" form

I have a beard that I'm awful fond of, long hair that I donate every two years and at 5'9'' I'd like to believe that my footsteps shake the very heavens.

I like good books, singing along with the radio, cooking and have recently made a hobby out of fitness to go along with my studies for a masters in fitness and human performance.

I'm always up for talkin' about nearly anything and especially like hearing about good books.

What I'm doing with my life
Cooking mostly...lots of cooking. Baking, too, cant forget the baking.

I'm currently studying for my master's degree in fitness and human performance and personal training certification.

I'm also working the front office at my college's health center while plotting its hostile takeover.
Favouritest of all the things
I have a ton of things that I enjoy doing: WoW, Tabletop gaming, science fiction books, cooking, exercise-y things.
My darkest secret
KDXanatos doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • Masters

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