

The Scorpio King

25 / Male / California, United States


Luke I am your father!
"Hi I am your father, I'm dad"

I'm a proud father of a 4 years old boy! Happy to say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

What I'm doing with my life
Indeed...but let them tremble when the clarion call sounds! The revelation of our very existence will strike like the mightiest thunderclap! Out victories shall be the stuff of legend! Our triumphs shall echo throughout the nine worlds -- 'tis endeavors such as these where the warrior ideals of god and man intersect to produce something greater than the sum of its parts. On this day, we have declared war...and we shall avenge the evils perpetrated by those who would oppose us. We shall...avenge them all.
Favouritest of all the things
Anything that's edible
Women with tattoos
Bearded fellows
My darkest secret
You wouldn't like me when I'm mad.
  • College

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