

28 / Female / Marietta, GA, United States


I like candy, reading, and netflix. I have two Sulcata torts, named Flash Gordon and Albert Einstein. I have worked as a baker, cake decorator, certified fitness instructor, daycare manager, and currently as a nanny. I love history, and am about to graduate university with a history degree. I love to work out, because I really love eating. I have several nieces that I adore, and a nephew on the way. I hate driving, but love riding in the car as a passenger. I'm a PADI certified scuba diver, and I love the Caribbean. I love travelling and have visited 3 other countries, and plan to add many more to that list.

What I'm doing with my life
Senior at KSU.
Being awesome.
Favouritest of all the things
Dune. Kitties. Candy. Yoga. Toothless. Tortoises. Pink. Cheeseburgers. My niece--Izley. Amazon Prime. Most recently--calligraphy. Cheesy 80's music. Pomegranate. Feta cheese.
My darkest secret
I'm not a real person, just the ghost in the machine.
  • Seeing Someone
  • University

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