

21 / Male / Gevelsberg, Deutschland


Hello there traveler! You came to visit me on my Profilepage? Take a seat, lean back, take your time and don't be shy.
I listen mostly to Rock and Metal, spend probably a little too much time playing Videogames, like having a drink or two or three, and love having a great time!
So, if you like Rock, Videogames, a drink or two aaand love to have a great time maybe you should join me on my quest of random nonsense, cat petting, dragon slaying, button mashing, sock-off-rocking and of course Hakuna Matata!

Feel free to ask anything you wish to know =)

What I'm doing with my life
JackMcWegsteck apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
Favouritest of all the things
JackMcWegsteck has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
JackMcWegsteck doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Seeing Someone

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