

23 / Male / Gloucester, United Kingdom


Too late to explore the earth, too early to explore the stars.

Technology Enthusiast
Music is the language of the soul
Crazy about almost everything
(Almost crazy)

But seriously, Internet points bitches!
If this makes front page i will (insert bullshit here) Blah blah blah...

What I'm doing with my life
Same as all of us living life.
Favouritest of all the things
Tv seris (Breaking bad, GoT, Walking dead, Suits list goes on and on)
Massive fim buff. Always time for a cheeky film

League of Legends
My darkest secret
  • Single
  • College

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This will update slightly - ish every 30minutes. What is this?

    IamFromBarcolonaIKnowNothing has no recent activity