

27 / Female / Pulaski, VA 24301, United States


Not a stay at home mom anymore! WOOHOO~

Marriage is for suckers. I'm not made for it. Or he isn't. Not sure. I just know it crashed and burned.

I work now, full time! I'm also getting back into the swing of things that I used to take time to enjoy like hiking.

Any local imgurians in these here VA hills that like some outdoorsy stuff?

What I'm doing with my life
What am I doing with my life? Uh, parenting mostly. I wish I had the means to dabble with painting large murals on walls, would love to make a living that way as well but alas, I have not the money or place to perfect my skills.

Also working, there is that. It's awesome. Two years of being in the house goddamn am I ready to be making money again.
Favouritest of all the things
I LOVE ART. Not that moderny weird stuff, but beautiful fantasy pieces and landscapes and photography and painting and bad ass digital art.

I also love crochet, and often spend spare time testing out new patterns for all sorts of things. Currently tinkering with slippers.
My darkest secret
Uhhh....I don't have any secrets.
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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