


24 / Narwhal / Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

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I'm weird. Also I'm an animator and graphic designer and I think I might be really good at it but it may be too early to tell. Who knows?

What I'm doing with my life
Dwindling in the realm between working and being lazy.
Favouritest of all the things
My cat, owls, books, gaming, artsy stuff, sleeping, eating healthy food, eating unhealthy food, my dog Huntson, watching good movies and series, having coffee in bed, driving around in my car, fishing, staring at trees, hating G.R.R Martin, weird people, Adventure Time (no seriously, everything must just be Adventure Time), giraffes (not even making this shit up), the fact that there is a place in Kenya called The Giraffe Manor, where giraffes carelessly frolic around all over the place and poke their heads into your room window for treats (that's my idea of heaven).
My darkest secret
Pfft...ok fine.  I really like the new generation pop sometimes...even though I keep saying that I hate it and that the kids these days are a bunch of scumbags listening to really bad music. But I will never, NEVER, like Justin Bieber.
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