"Shut up, baby, I know it." - Bender Rodriguez

18 / Female / Winchester, VA, United States


Well met, Imgurians!

My name is Karen, or HELLOTHISISSHARK. I'm a longtime imgurian and have been honored to appear on the front page in brief moments of glory.

I live in the good 'ol U.S. of A (in the middle of nowhere, I tell you. THE INTERNET IS HORRIBLE OUT HERE!). Oh, and apparently I should include here that I am heterosexual.

I have a cat named Toothless, but she has all of her teeth, and two dogs, Tenchi and Sassy. They keep life relatively interesting when I'm not on imgur, I'd say.

I'm at a loss of things to say, so like, say hello, I won't bite.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently attending community college for Physics, though Astronomy is my other favorite science. I'm interested in learning about the way forces affect objects in space and all the jazz. I could talk to you about the universe all day.
Favouritest of all the things
I must mention that I am a huge fan of Doctor Who, Dexter, Smallville, Torchwood, How I Met Your Mother and innumerable other shows and such.
Regarding music, I'd say I like most music but am not fond of country. I particularly like Kings of Leon, Eminem, Lady Gaga, and Macklemore.
Video games? Hm, first-person shooters are always cool (like COD), but I prefer something with more challenges to get an intellectual side to it, like Assassin's Creed or Skyrim.
My darkest secret
HELLOTHISISSHARK doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • College

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