

I just learned how to add a tag line

20 / Female / Fall River, MA, United States


Message me and find out.

What I'm doing with my life
Just moved to Massachusetts, to get my life started.
Favouritest of all the things
Music. Things that make me smile. People that put effort into our friendship. A cold drink on a hot day. And my all time favorite, a rainy day. A day where the sky is completely gray as far as the eye can see. A day where the rain is falling so hard that it's repeatedly smacking the ground as if seeking vengeance. A day the wind is lightly blowing and causing the smell of the cold to wrap itself around every being outside. A day where the only smells outside are wet asphalt and damp grass. A day I can walk around and sit outside for hours just enjoying the weather.
A perfect day.
My darkest secret
I kind of like Ed Sheeran... I'm not proud of that one.
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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