

Originality is a by-product of sincerity.

26 / Female / Doylestown, PA, United States


Yoga enthusiast. Crafting nerd. Nanny. Creatively organized. Owned by two kitties (one with 3 legs). Avid reader. Deep thinker. Emotional. Passionate. Animal lover. Driven spirit. Sassy. Very self-aware. Honest. Devoted. Magnificent sense of humor. Excellent communicator. Compassionate. Frugal. Independent. Creative. Outgoing. Inquisitive. A bit 1Crough around the edges 1D at times. Reliable. Aries. Believer. Dreamer.

What I'm doing with my life
Current goals: get my degree, save as much money as possible, get any & all orders in affair, simplify & store any belongings.

Next (desired) step: travel the world "backpacker style" before I settle into a full-time job and regret that I never did it.

The rest? I don't know. I want to find a job that focuses on sustainability and the environment. One that I feel proud to work at and enjoy doing, even on the worst days. I want to make a difference.

I want to buy a small working ranch with a good amount of land. A cow, a goat, a pig, chickens, couple dogs & cats, wildlife, horse(s), herb, fruit, veggie gardens & be self-sustainable, sell the rest/use excess to barter. A big barn. A room or shed for crafting, sewing, pottery, a kiln in the back for personal use and profit. All located by mountains AND water ... if at all possible.
Favouritest of all the things
God, Imgur, Giraffes, Dragonflies, My two kitties, The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon, The Princess Bride, Gerbera Daisies, Sunflowers, Calla Lilies, Trees, Arrested Development, Sleeping, Thrift shops, DMB...
My darkest secret
I'm still thinking on this one... I'm an oddly open individual so I don't have many secrets.
  • Seeing Someone
  • College

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