

Cut loose like an animal, fired out like a cannon ball
Dominic Gates

20 / Male / Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom


I've been a lurker for a while, hope that's ok, i'm sorry i dont know how to OC.

How to explain my nerdiness... You know on TV when they take the piss out of someone saying "They'll end up painting characters from lord of the rings" or something, i laugh at those jokes, then realise they're aimed at me, then i laugh a bit more. To clarify im not a basement dwelling neckbeard, i'm just a big kid who refused to give up the fun things i love.

What I'm doing with my life
Opening a gaming shop selling various tabletop games, card games, LrP weapons. Pretty much a nerd bunker, should be fun. Anyone that can tell me how to make solicitors go faster can be my friend.
Favouritest of all the things
Norse Mythology
More Metal
Dwarf Hamsters
Food (Mainly Chinese Food)
Nerf Guns
My darkest secret
I think bacon is overrated.
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