

Send me a message, I'm bored af

24 / Female / Netherlands


Hi I'm Lotte! I'm a student (loans, loans everywhere!), studying Children's Literature and have a degree in Dutch Language and Literature (ha-ha, how am I ever going to pay for these loans!?)
I live in the Netherlands. It's flat, it's cold, it's rainy, but it's fun.

Also, I need to confess that I'm a dog person. I know it's like announcing you're the devils breed itself here to the people of Imgur, but it's true.
Furthermore, I love England, Ireland, Schotland and oh well, even Wales.

I love music (very vague I know, but I love almost every kind of music, so there's that), Calvin & Hobbes, Fantasy (books, mostly), books in general, The Legend of Zelda, Monty Python, Flight of the Conchords, The IT Crowd, reading and writing and a bunch of other stuff I cannot recall at the moment.

I am looking for awesome people like you to chat with, have fun, laugh, sacrifice a goat, read some books, discuss life, etcetera etcetera.

If you're in love with the Fraseer Triolgy by Robin Hobb, consider me in love with you.

Ok, I think this covers it for now. Don't be afraid to send me a message!

Lots of love,

What I'm doing with my life
Absolutely nothing.
Favouritest of all the things
Nijntje (Miffy)
Calvin & Hobbes
The Legend of Zelda
My darkest secret
FIREexclamationmarkFIREexclamationmark doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
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