

Can I haz Imgurian?

28 / Male / Reno, NV, United States


Alright, I am a participant, AKA I got out side 0-10 times a day... Be that for Burning Man, BAD dancing, video games, board games, Karaoke, rock climbing, hiking, ect ect.

I am GENUINELY kind. I am Silly, I love to talk to myself at home and laugh with myself, a product of being an only child. I love it, I can entertain myself from anything. I can Make friends anywhere,,, if we both speak bad English that is. :-D I'm chill, easy going but can hit "Beast Mode" if need be and get shit done. I want kids, I love kids and want to share my love with my kid or kids like my parents did for me. There for if you can not reproduce, I don't want to be rude but it is a deal breaker for me.

I Love unconditionally, and really that's hard as hell to find! I have my closest friends because they do the same. I am always looking for more people like that and really I want my future girl to be as genuine as possible, even if that means she is a bit of an asshole. Be honest, be caring, and we will be great. Ok next section I think, see you in 10 pixels.

What I'm doing with my life
Welcome back! and thank you for continuing this bio of me.

Really I'm a Jack-of -All Trades, if I can't design, build or do something, I try to learn how to. So yes I can change a tire, build a shelf, and fly a plane.

I am seriously looking BUT I am looking with my guard up. I have a very well tuned bullshit meter and am not looking for a flake (that has been a problem lately). I wear my heart on my sleeve, and am learning to not fall so hard and fast, hence the guard.
Favouritest of all the things
Being honest, flying, video games, riding most bikes, herding cats, driving long distances, being spontaneous, eating a full tray of raspberries after I just bought them from the store... and being open minded.
My darkest secret
I smoke Hookah. I do NOT smoke anything else, No Cigs, Weed, Meth, or anything else. I only enjoy hookah tobacco and I do smoke daily. Its one of my few vices, if it is not your thing, that is fine and I will never push you to try it. Yes I know it is bad for me but if I ever do quit it will be on my terms.
  • Single
  • College

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