

How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice...Hey, what's up?

20 / British / Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Adventurer, Philanthropist, Explorer, Minor Surgeon, Lover, Dickbutt, Gentleman, Carnivorous, Scientist, The Colour Purple, Saxophonist, Part-Time Exorcist, Concert Penis, Male Madam and on every third Tuesday of the month I put on some Jamiroquai, grab a glass of orange juice and sail into the sunset.

What I'm doing with my life
Studying to be a Psychology-man at Northumbria Univeristy, but working as a barman in a strip club for money, which I spend on utter crap.
Favouritest of all the things
Approximately 94% of the things.
My darkest secret
Dark-ish Grey is about my darkest secret, anything darker than that would just be preposterous.
  • Single
  • University

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