

John. No, really.

31 / Male / Stewartsville, NJ 08886, United States


I'm a pretty good English teacher who loves his job.  Running helps me blow off steam and it turns out you can eat a lot of pizza when you run 30 miles a week.  If you run less than 30 miles a week then pizza can be bad.

What I'm doing with my life
Teaching, coaching, running, trying my hand at leatherworking.  I'm looking to branch out into online teaching or being a part-time college adjunct.  Oh, and I've just discovered Netflix.  Goodbye productivity.
Favouritest of all the things
Running.  Dresden Files.  Analyzing Shakespeare.  Archer. Rick and Morty. Schlock Mercenary.
My darkest secret
My computer's "F" hotkey goes to a "different" social networking site after Facebook since "et" is after "a".
  • Single
  • Masters

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