

Liability Alert

25 / Female / North Carolina, United States


Let's see....
I love good food, good coffee, good tea, and good wine and beer. I attempt to eat well, exercise, and get out of the house. I enjoy music, specifically jazz and blues. I read, write, and enjoy learning. I do the science, play the video games, swear like a sailor, and act like a girl "sometimes." I am a total derp.  Which is fitting because my ham of a cat is my sidekick derp.

What I'm doing with my life
Attending college with the intention of obtaining an undergrad in biotechnology and a masters in horticulture. This is more of a "where do you see yourself within five years" goal.
Favouritest of all the things
Beer, science, video games, tattoos, and cats.
My darkest secret
Hur hur
  • Single
  • College

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