

Do people have tag lines? Is that a thing?

19 / Male / Allentown, PA, United States


C - Creative
A - Artsy
S - Sucks at acrostics
E - Easy-going
Y - Yellow is not my favorite color

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently a student at Ithaca college. I'm majoring in Cinema & Photography with a concentration in Cinema Production and minoring in Sociology. When I'm back home, I play guitar and sing in the band The Ukrainian Bobsledders.
Favouritest of all the things
Music, I'm all about the indie rock life. Brand New, Taking Back Sunday, American Football, Flatsound, The Front Bottoms, Joyce Manor, Weezer, Dear and the Headlights, Glocca Morra, Owen, and others (I know those weren't all indie rock whatever). If you like any of those bands, we should be friends.
My darkest secret
CCrev doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Secondary / High school

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