I Play music and drink beer, both kinds of beer: Canadian and Craft beer. I enjoy much the great american Detroit Red Wings team of hockey. Often I find myself mauled due to kitten malfunction, and unsolicited rubs of the belly. Occasionally I enjoy a good chuckle at my own expense, and rarely do I count higher than 72 (it's not that I can't, I can totally count really high, I simply find the numbers between 73 and 81 to be off putting and generally uneventful). I am self employed. I write, produce and perform things of the musical sort. I am a strong supporter of my facial hair, I think it has what this country needs and I have no doubt that it will go places in the future. I really don't care who you are or what you look like, so long as you have a decent noggin filled with delightful tales and anecdotes for me to enjoy. I was born a poor black boy. My previous careers consist of: Ship Captain of a wayward bouncy castle, which allowed me enough experience for my next job as the Captain of the dreaded pirate firm of Crimson Permanent Insurance. I spent neigh over a year soliciting bribes from a cornucopia of rodents and tree dwelling creatures, which I re-routed into a slush fund for lobbying higher taxes on less environmentally minded mammals. I am proud to say that I spent 3 years working with learning disabled bits of metal and have helped many reach oxidation (as a result I have had many Tetanus shots, however the amount is in a range of number that I would just as soon not count to), and most recently I was the curator of a splendid collection of out of date oddly colored button up shirts from the mid 90's. Clark Griswold is my hero, I have an affinity for armchairs, I drink a Tim Hortons double-double every morning and my nick name in high school was the first verse of The Monster Mash. Ok, That should be sufficient.
What I'm doing with my life
Constructing a unified theory of the correlation between Labradors and my love of soul music. Also, what the shit imgur? I'm doing fine. Who are you to propose such a condescending question?
Favouritest of all the things
Sam Cooke, George Clinton, Paul Simon and my parents.
My darkest secret
Now how the hell would it still be a secret imgur? 01001000101001000010100010010101001011100110101... There, I wrote it in fake binary.
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