

Chef life

25 / Male / Silver Spring, MD, United States


26. Chef. Food porn enthusiast.

What I'm doing with my life
Making noms daily.
Favouritest of all the things
Books - Fresh off the boat, A Work in Progress, Yes Chef, Medium Raw, The Science and Lore of The Kitchen, What Einstein told his cook, Kitchen Confidential, The Soul of a New Cuisine, (Most cook books ) If I see one I'll pick it up and go through it whatever kinda book it is. You learn something new ya know?

Movies - Django, The Big Lebowski, The Experiment, God Bless America, Jackie Brown, American Psycho, Lawless, City of God, Kill Bill, Rum Diaries, Snatch, Tron, I saw the Devil, Old Boy, The Hangover, Law Abiding Citizen, Akira, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Star Wars, Reservoir Dogs, The Ugly Truth, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, Burn After Reading, Revolver, Slumdog Millionaire, American Gangster, The Lion King, 300, Spirited Away, Pulp Fiction and etc

Shows - Knife Fight, Game Of Thrones, Archer, Breaking Bad, Top Gear(UK), Batman Beyond, How I Met Your Mother, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservation, Mind of A Chef, Weeds, Nip Tuck, The Daily Show, The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Mad Men, Dexter, Old school Cartoon Network (Back in the early 2000) and etc.

Music - Odesza, Flume, Chet Faker, Disclosure, CunninLynguists, Shad, Toro Y Moi, Chance the Rapper, Aesop Rock, Phantogram, The Knocks EL-P, Grammatik, RDGLDGRN, ASTR, Deadmau5, Emancipator, The Black Keys, Daft Punk, The Killers, M83, Gorillaz, Foster the People, TV On The Radio, Kendrick Lamar, Lematire, Nas, People Under The Stairs, Bonobo, Pretty Lights, Atmosphere, Beastie Boys, MGMT, Radiohead, Vampire Weekend, Bob Marley, Thievery Corporation, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Roots, Blue Scholars.

Food - I cook everyday and I'm always learning about a new type of cuisine. I'm down to try anything. My favorites would be French , Italian, Ethiopian, Latin, Greek, Middle Eastern, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Modern American cuisine. Om nom nom.
My darkest secret
Umm I'll get back to you on this one.
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